Sam — English Videos — Yipiyap On Demand
How to Punctuate Dialogue Correctly
How to Show That Your Character is Happy or Sad
Developing a Varied Vocabulary
2-Bird, Featured, SamYipiyapgrammar, spelling, formal, informal, speaking, writing, exam, vocabulary, words, kid, stuff, kind, nice, essay, spelling punctuation and grammar
What are Suffixes?
Sam, 1-BirdYipiyapsuffixes, what are suffixes, word endings, est, ing, letters, suffix, word class, new word, changing word, grammar, spelling punctuation and grammar
Verbs and Adverbs
Sam, 1-BirdYipiyapverbs, adverbs, featured, language, spelling, grammer, words, word classes, ly words, doing words, action, describing an action, different words, writing, sentences, grammar, spelling punctuation and grammar
Effect vs Affect
1-Bird, Sam, FeaturedYipiyapeffect, affect, homophones, words, confusing words, words that sound the same, verb, noun, spag, word class, grammar, spelling punctuation and grammar
What are Adjectives?
1-Bird, SamYipiyapadjectives, language, spelling, grammar, words, word classes, noun, describing words, different words, writing, sentences, spelling punctuation and grammar
Nouns and Pronouns