Grace B — English Videos — Yipiyap On Demand
Questions vs Rhetorical Questions
Identifying the Main Purpose of an Extract
Grace B, Featured, 2-BirdYipiyapidentifying the main prupose, identifying purpose, article, extract, fiction, non-fiction, analysing, purpose, main point, themes, language, analyse, analysis, writing, exam, essay, responding to a fiction text, analysing fiction
What are Suffixes?
1-Bird, Grace BYipiyapsuffixes, what are suffixes, word endings, est, ing, letters, suffix, word class, new word, changing word, grammar, spelling punctuation and grammar
What are Prepositions?
Grace B, 1-BirdYipiyapprepositions, words, what are prepositions, small words, before a noun, direction, time, place, location, in, at, on, of, to, grammar, spelling punctuation and grammar
Who's vs Whose
Grace B, 1-BirdYipiyapwriting, who's, whose, grammar, spag, spelling and grammar, homophones, words that sound the same, spelling, spelling punctuation and grammar
What are Adjectives?
Grace B, Featured, 1-BirdYipiyapadjectives, language, spelling, grammar, words, word classes, noun, describing words, different words, writing, sentences, spelling punctuation and grammar