What are the Common Themes in Macbeth? Melika, 2-BirdYipiyap26 January 2024macbeth, themes, key themes in macbeth, what are the key themes in macbeth, macbeth themes, guilt, ambition, duality, analysing fiction
Writing for Different Audiences 1-Bird, Sila, FeaturedYipiyap19 January 2024themes, theme of a text, plot, images, style, tone, audiences, how to write, write to inform, write to entertain, write to persuade, "audience purpose and form", writing, writng for different audiences, writing for different audiences, audience, how to find an audience, sampling, surveys
Identifying the Theme of a Non-Fictional Text Isabel, 1-BirdYipiyap12 January 2024themes, theme of a text, plot, characters, images, ideas, non-fiction, analysing non-fiction, identifying the theme of a non-fiction text
How to Link Quotations to Exam Questions 2-Bird, Ben, Featured, SeriesYipiyap27 May 2022writing, audience purpose and form, purpose and audience, annotating texts, themes, analysing fiction, responding to a fiction text, sample exam question and answer, sample exam question, exam prep, exam, exam preparation, anaylsis, analysing a text, extract, literature
Identifying the Purpose of a Non-fiction Article 2-Bird, Featured, OrlaYipiyap27 May 2022identifying the main prupose, identifying purpose, article, extract, fiction, non-fiction, analysing, purpose, main point, themes, language, analyse, analysis, writing, exam, essay, responding to a non-fiction text, analysing fiction
Identifying the Main Purpose of an Extract Grace B, Featured, 2-BirdYipiyap27 May 2022identifying the main prupose, identifying purpose, article, extract, fiction, non-fiction, analysing, purpose, main point, themes, language, analyse, analysis, writing, exam, essay, responding to a fiction text, analysing fiction