How to Write a Letter 2-Bird, OrlaYipiyap5 December 2022structure of letters, writing a complaint, writing non-fiction, writing
How to Write Using the 5 Senses Orla, 2-BirdYipiyap2 December 2022descriptive writing, sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, writing fiction, writing
Openings and Endings: Narrative Structures 1-Bird, OrlaYipiyap11 November 2022what makes a strong opening, how to start a narrative, writing fiction, writing
Identifying the Purpose of a Non-fiction Article 2-Bird, Featured, OrlaYipiyap27 May 2022identifying the main prupose, identifying purpose, article, extract, fiction, non-fiction, analysing, purpose, main point, themes, language, analyse, analysis, writing, exam, essay, responding to a non-fiction text, analysing fiction
Planning and Generating Ideas for Exam Questions 2-Bird, Orla, FeaturedYipiyap9 May 2022writing, planning, plan, structure, idea, ideas, theme, language'technique, exam, question, essay
How to Avoid Clichés in Your Writing 2-Bird, Featured, OrlaYipiyap9 May 2022cliches, writing, fiction, exam, question, story, creative, essay, theme, structure, spag, writing fiction
What are Prepositions? Orla, Featured, 1-BirdYipiyap25 March 2022prepositions, words, what are prepositions, small words, before a noun, direction, time, place, location, in, at, on, of, to, grammar, spelling punctuation and grammar
Who's vs Whose 1-Bird, Orla, FeaturedYipiyap22 February 2022writing, who's, whose, grammar, spag, spelling and grammar, homophones, words that sound the same, spelling, spelling punctuation and grammar